Open Kitchen


Open Kitchen serves a free, warm meal every Wednesday Redmond United Methodist Church. Due to COVID 19, we offer a to-go meal from 5-6pm. A vegetarian option is always available. We welcome anyone who needs a meal, a warm cup of coffee, or just a friendly conversation. Learn more.


Make a donation to help supply our kitchen with all the necessary food and supplies to provide 150 to-go meals per week. Nourishing Networks Central (NNC) has been a fiscal sponsor for Open Kitchen since January 2021. All donations made through NNC are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law due to our nonprofit status. Donations may be eligible for corporate matching gift programs.

Send questions about your donation to


Message From Open Kitchen

Open Kitchen, a ministry of Redmond United Methodist Church, has grown out of the belief that we are called to work acts of justice for our brothers and sisters throughout the world and in our local community in hopes of making a positive difference. Over time, a passion for feeding the hungry has often directed many service efforts at RUMC. The coordinators of Open Kitchen, Jayleen Ryberg, Kristen Muscott, and Shelia Kandeler, tapped into that passion, finding a particular calling to offer a community meal, to fill a void in our wider Redmond community. While we understand one meal per week can’t possibly begin to eradicate hunger, we believe that one meal means a child won’t go to bed hungry that night, that one meal brings much needed nutrition, that one meal brings hope, that one meal does make a difference. Thus, the primary goals of Open Kitchen are to promote a sense of community, marked by dignity and respect, to serve a warm meal, and to ensure that no one leaves hungry.

 Get Involved


Join us for dinner!

Menus are posted every Tuesday. Check out the Open Kitchen Facebook page to see what they’re cooking this week!



Our volunteers give life to Open Kitchen! Visit the Open Kitchen website to find where you want to serve and how to sign up.